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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.

31 - The Brothers Bow Down
January 31 - Nº 31 Genesis 41:46-57; 42:1-38 For the next seven years Joseph was busy constructing huge storage facilities and collecting...

30 - Two Dreams in the Palace
January 30 - Nº 30 Genesis 41:1-45 Two years after releasing his cupbearer from prison and executing his baker, Pharaoh had two vivid...

29 - Two Dreams in the Prison
January 29 - Nº 29 Genesis 40 Joseph had been in prison for quite a while when he was joined by two of Pharaoh’s former employees. One...

28 - From Potiphar’s House to Prison
January 28 - Nº 28 Genesis 39 The caravan of Arab traders finally arrived in Egypt. After a long grueling trek across the desert, Joseph...

27 - Joseph Is Sold into Slavery
January 27 - Nº 27 Genesis 37:1-35 It had been a long, twisting journey, but Jacob finally settled in the land God had promised first to...

26 - Jacob and Esau are Reunited . . . for a Little While
January 26 - Nº 26 Genesis 33; 34; 35:1-5 The next morning Jacob crossed the Jabbok River and limped into camp to join his family. Off in...

25 - Jacob Wins by Losing
January 25 - Nº 25 Genesis 32 Jacob had finally broken free from the relationship that had held him hostage for more than 20 years (see ...

24 - Jacob Heads Home
January 24 - Nº 24 Genesis 30:25-33; 31:1-55 Jacob was a shrewd businessman and a hard worker. It wasn’t long before he convinced Laban,...

23 - Unloved Leah
January 23 - Nº 23 Genesis 29:31-35; 30:1-24; 35:16-20 Life was not easy for Leah.   She was the older and less attractive of Laban’s two...

22 - A Wife (or two) for Jacob
January 22 - Nº 22 Genesis 29:1-30 Jacob continued his journey. After many days he stopped at a well where several shepherds had gathered...

21 - On the Run
January 21 - Nº 21 Genesis 27:42-46; 28:1-22 Jacob was shrewd and impatient. He was always looking for ways to get what  he wanted ...

20 - The Blessing
January 20 - Nº 20 Genesis 27:1-41 Jacob wanted more than just his older brother’s birthright (see #19 - January 19 ).  He wanted the...

19 - A Pot of Stew
January 19 - Nº 19 Genesis 25:5-11, 19-34 Abraham died at the age of 175, and Isaac inherited everything that his father had owned. But...

18 - A Wife for Isaac
January 18 - Nº 18 Genesis 24 Sarah lived to be 127, then she died ( Genesis 23:1 ). Meanwhile Isaac grew up, and Abraham grew old.  ...

17 - Isaac on the Altar
January 17 - Nº 17 Genesis 22:1-19 After Ishmael was banished, Abraham had only one son to raise! The expression of the love he had felt...
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