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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.

365 - A New Heaven and a New Earth!
December 31 - Nº 365 Revelation 21 – 22 While he was a prisoner on an island called Patmos, John received four visions from God. In the...

364 - The Destruction of Babylon, the Beast, and the Devil
December 30 - Nº 364 Revelation 17 – 20 Just before the last trumpet sounded and the bowls of God’s wrath were poured out (see #363 -...

363 - Beasts and Bowls
December 29 - Nº 363 Revelation 12 – 16 Before describing the destruction that would result from the seventh trumpet blast, John shared...

362 - Seven Trumpets
December 28 - Nº 362 Revelation 8 – 11 Six of the seals on the scroll had now been opened—each bringing great devastation on the earth....

361 - Six of the Seals Are Opened
December 27 - Nº 361 Revelation 6 – 7 As John watched, the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. One of the four creatures from...

360 - Inside the Throne Room of God!
December 26 - Nº 360 Revelation 4 – 5 While he was a prisoner on the island of Patmos, the apostle John had a profound encounter with...

359 - Seven Letters to Seven Churches
December 25 - Nº 359 Revelation 2 – 3 Jesus instructed John to write a letter to each of the seven churches that had been under his care...

358 - John Has a Profound Encounter with God
December 24 - Nº 358 Revelation 1 John was living in Ephesus and ministering to churches in Asia when Domitian was declared the Emperor...

357 - Two More Letters from John
December 23 - Nº 357 2 John; 3 John In his first of three letters, John had warned the churches he pastored about false teachers (see...

356 - The First of Three Letters from John (Part 2)
December 22 - Nº 356 1 John 2:18 – 5:21 John was the overseer and itinerant pastor for several churches in a province called Asia....

355 - The First of Three Letters from John (Part 1)
December 21- Nº 355 1 John 1:1 – 2:17 John was one of Jesus’ first followers (see #224 - August 12 ). He and his brother James (not to be...

354 - A Letter from Jude
December 20- Nº 354 Jude 1 It had been about 35 years since Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Gospel message had spread across the Roman...

353 - A Letter to Hebrew Believers (Part 4)
December 19- Nº 353 Hebrews 12 – 13 The author of a letter to persecuted Jewish believers urged his readers to stay strong and grow in...

352 - A Letter to Hebrew Believers (Part 3)
December 18- Nº 352 Hebrews 10:36 – 11:40 Jewish believers were being persecuted for their faith in Jesus. To escape from suffering, some...

351 - A Letter to Hebrew Believers (Part 2)
December 17- Nº 351 Hebrews 4:14 – 10:35 The author of the letter to the Hebrews had just explained how Jesus was greater than the...

350 - A Letter to Hebrew Believers (Part 1)
December 16- Nº 350 Hebrews 1:1 – 4:13 An important letter was sent to a group of believers who were being persecuted for their faith. We...

349 - Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy
December 15- Nº 349 2 Timothy 1 – 4 Nero, the Emperor of Rome, had never been kind to Christians. When half of Rome was burned to the...

348 - Peter’s Follow-Up Letter to the Persecuted Believers
December 14 - Nº 348 2 Peter 1 – 3 Not long after he sent his first letter to the churches in the northern provinces of Asia Minor, Peter...

347 - Peter’s First Letter to Persecuted Believers (Part 2)
December 13 - Nº 347 1 Peter 2:13–21; 3:1-14; 4:1 – 5:14 The believers in the northern Roman provinces of Asia Minor were facing extreme...

346 - Peter’s First Letter to Persecuted Believers (Part 1)
December 12 - Nº 346 1 Peter 1:1 – 2:12; 2:21-25; 3:15–22 Christianity spread rapidly across the world in the 30 years following the...

345 - Paul Writes to Titus
December 11 - Nº 345 Titus 1 – 3 When Paul completed the ministry God had given him in Macedonia (see #343 - December 9), he and Titus...

344 - Paul’s First Letter to Timothy (Part 2)
December 10 - Nº 344 1 Timothy 3:14 – 6:21 Paul could not be in Ephesus, so he wrote a letter to Timothy to help him in his new role as...

343 - Paul’s First Letter to Timothy (Part 1)
December 9 - Nº 343 1 Timothy 1:1 – 3:13 There is no record of Paul’s release from prison in Rome, but his letter to Timothy indicates...

342 - A Letter from James, the Brother of Jesus (Part 2)
December 8 - Nº 342 James 1:13 – 5:20 James had already shared with his readers that the trials they were facing had a purpose. They were...
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