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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.

341 - A Letter from James, the Brother of Jesus (Part 1)
December 7 - Nº 341 James 1:1-18 In his Gospel, Matthew explained that following the miraculous birth of Jesus, Mary and Joseph had four...

340 - An Encouraging Letter to the Church in Philippi (Part 2)
December 6 - Nº 340 Philippians 2:12 – 4:23 In his “thank you” letter to the Philippians, Paul addressed some issues he knew they were...

339 - An Encouraging Letter to the Church in Philippi (Part 1)
December 5 - Nº 339 Philippians 1:1 – 2:11 Paul first arrived in Philippi during his second missionary journey. He had planned to go...

338 - A Personal Letter to Philemon
December 4 - Nº 338 Philemon Members of the church in Colossae gathered as they usually did in the home of a man named Philemon to...

337 - A Letter to Believers in Colossae
December 3 - Nº 337 Colossians 1 – 4 It was not unusual for church leaders from the different cities where Paul had ministered to show up...

336 - A Letter to the Ephesians (Part 3) – Equipped for Battle
December 2 - Nº 336 Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul was in the middle of writing a letter to the believers in Ephesus. He had just described all...

335 - A Letter to the Ephesians (Part 2) – Living as a Child of God
December 1 - Nº 335 Ephesians 4:1 – 6:9 Paul had begun his first prison epistle by describing all the amazing benefits God offered to the...

334 - A Letter to the Ephesians (Part 1) – Becoming A Child of God
NOVEMBER 30 - Nº 334 Ephesians 1 – 3 While he was confined to a house and chained to a soldier in Rome, Paul never stopped sharing the...

333 - Imprisoned in Rome
NOVEMBER 29 - Nº 333 Acts 28:15-31 Some of the believers in Rome heard that Paul was on his way, so they traveled almost 50 miles to a...

332 - Marooned on Malta
NOVEMBER 28 - Nº 332 Acts 27:44 – 28:14 Some swam, some floated-on planks and debris from the ship, but all 276 men that had been on...

331 - The Shipwreck
NOVEMBER 27 - Nº 331 Acts 27:21-44 It was a disastrous situation on board the ship that was transporting Paul to Rome. The crew and...

330 - A Storm at Sea
NOVEMBER 26 - Nº 330 Acts 27:3-20 The first stop on the long journey to Rome was a port called Sidon. Julius, the centurion in charge of...

329 - Paul Begins the Journey to Rome
NOVEMBER 25 - Nº 329 Acts 26:22 – 27:2 As Paul stood in the great meeting room filled with important people, he summarized his message....

328 - Paul’s Hearing Before King Agrippa II
NOVEMBER 24 - Nº 328 Acts 25:13 – 26:21 When Rome expanded its control along the eastern Mediterranean shores, the Jewish countries...

327 - Paul’s Trial Before Festus
NOVEMBER 23 - Nº 327 Acts 24:27 – 25:12 Felix, the Roman governor of Judea, was already very unpopular with the Jews (see #326 - November...

326 - Paul’s Trial Before Felix
NOVEMBER 22 - Nº 326 Acts 24 Five days after Paul arrived in Caesarea, his accusers showed up to bring charges against him. They included...

325 - An Assassination Plot
NOVEMBER 21 - Nº 325 Acts 23:11-35 Following the fiasco in front of the Sanhedrin (see #324 - November 20), Paul was sent back to the...

324 - Paul, a Jewish Leader and a Roman Citizen
NOVEMBER 20 - Nº 324 Acts 22:25 – 23:10 The commander of the Roman troops in Jerusalem was confused. He couldn’t figure out what Paul had...

323 - Paul’s Presence Causes a Riot in Jerusalem
NOVEMBER 19 - Nº 323 Acts 21:27 – 22:24 Paul was constantly being watched while he was in Jerusalem. The Jews (even many of the Jewish...

322 - Paul Arrives in Jerusalem
NOVEMBER 18 - Nº 322 Acts 21:1-26 After a tearful goodbye with the elders from Ephesus (see #321 - November 17) Paul boarded the ship...

321 - Paul Continues the Journey to Jerusalem
NOVEMBER 17 - Nº 321 Acts 20 After three months in Corinth, Paul prepared to board a ship that would sail straight back to Antioch in...

320 - A Letter to the Romans (Part 3)
NOVEMBER 16 - Nº 320 Romans 9 – 16 After explaining the basics of the Gospel and sharing the benefits of accepting God’s incredible gift...

319 - A Letter to the Romans (Part 2)
NOVEMBER 15 - Nº 319 Romans 6 – 8 In the first part of his letter to the Romans, Paul explained that no one is righteous enough to enter...

318 - A Letter to the Romans (Part 1)
NOVEMBER 14 - Nº 318 Acts 20:2-3; Romans 1 – 5; 6:23 Paul was on his way to Jerusalem to give a report about everything that had taken...
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