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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.

293 - The Gospel Travels to Africa
OCTOBER 20 - Nº 293 Acts 8:26-40 After Peter and John went back to Jerusalem, God sent an angel to Philip. “Go to the desert road that...

292 - The Believers Are Scattered
OCTOBER 19 - Nº 292 Acts 8:1-25 Just before ascending into heaven, Jesus had explained to the apostles that their role was to share the...

291 - Stephen, the First Church Martyr
OCTOBER 18 - Nº 291 Acts 6 – 7 As the number of believers in Jerusalem increased, it was brought to the apostles’ attention that the...

290 - More Prison Time for the Apostles
OCTOBER 17 - Nº 290 Acts 5:15-42 People came from the towns all around Jerusalem to witness first-hand what the apostles were doing. Many...

289 - The Deceit and Deaths of Ananias and Sapphira
OCTOBER 16 - Nº 289 Acts 4:32 – 5:14 The new believers in Jerusalem shared everything they owned. If someone had a need, others would...

288 - Empowered and Imprisoned
OCTOBER 15 - Nº 288 Acts 2:42 – 4:22 The new believers gathered in the Temple courtyard every day to listen to the apostles teach. They...

287 - The Arrival of the Holy Spirit
OCTOBER 14 - Nº 287 Acts 1:15 – 2:41 Before long about 120 believers had gathered in Jerusalem waiting for the arrival of the Holy...

286 - The Disciples’ Commission and Jesus’ Ascension
OCTOBER 13 - Nº 286 Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:44-53; Acts 1:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:6-7 After he had risen from the dead, Jesus spent 40...

285 - Jesus Appears at the Sea of Galilee
OCTOBER 12 - Nº 285 John 20:24 – 21:25 For some reason Thomas was not in the room when Jesus appeared to the rest of the disciples (see...

284 - Jesus Appears on the Road to Emmaus
OCTOBER 11 - Nº 284 Mark 16:12-14; Luke 24:13-43; John 20:19-20 That same day, two of Jesus’ followers were on their way from Jerusalem...

283 - Jesus Appears in the Garden
OCTOBER 10 - Nº 283 Matthew 28:9-15; Mark 16:9-11; Luke 24:9-12; John 20:2-18 As more women arrived to help complete the burial process,...

282 - Burial and Resurrection
OCTOBER 9 - Nº 282 Matthew 27:57 - 28:8; Mark 15:42 – 16:8; Luke 23:50 – 24:8; John 19:38 – 20:1 Joseph of Arimathea was a prominent...

281 - Darkness and Death
OCTOBER 8 - Nº 281 Matthew 27:45-56; Mark 15:33-41; Luke 23:44-49; John 19:25-37 Jesus looked up and saw his mother standing near the...

280 - Nailed to the Cross
OCTOBER 7 - Nº 280 Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-24 Jesus had been brutally beaten. Even though it was a...

279 - Three Roman Trials
OCTOBER 6 - Nº 279 Matthew 27:11-26; Mark 15:1-15; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:39-40; 19:1-16 According to the Jewish leaders, Jesus had...

278 - Three Jewish Trials
OCTOBER 5 - Nº 278 Matthew 26:59-68; 27:1-10; Mark 14:55-65; Luke 22:54, 63-71; John 18:13-14, 19-24 Armed guards bound Jesus and led him...

277 - Betrayed, Arrested, and Denied
OCTOBER 4 - Nº 277 Matthew 26:47-58, 69-75; Mark 14:44-52, 66-72; Luke 22:47-62; John 18:4-12, 15-18, 25-27 Judas walked into the Garden...

276 - “Please Take this Cup Away!”
OCTOBER 3 - Nº 276 Matthew 26:36-47; Mark 14:32-43; Luke 22:39-47; John 18:1-3 As they continued up the Mount of Olives, Jesus and his 11...

275 - Last Minute Lessons
OCTOBER 2 - Nº 275 John 13:36; 14:1-24; 15:1-17; 17:1-26 When they left the Passover meal, the disciples insisted that they would follow...

274 - The Last Supper
OCTOBER 1 - Nº 274 Matthew 26:21-35; Mark 14:18-31; Luke 22:17-38; John 13:21-30, 37-38 After Jesus had washed his disciples’ feet, they...

273 - Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
SEPTEMBER 30 - Nº 273 Matthew 26:17-20; Mark 14:12-17; Luke 22:7-16; 22:24-30; John 13:1-17 It was Thursday, the day of the Jewish...

272 - Judas, the Traitor
SEPTEMBER 29- Nº 272 Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6 The different religious leaders in Israel did not agree on many things....

271 - Teaching on the Mount of Olives
SEPTEMBER 28- Nº 271 Matthew 24:1 – 25:46; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-36 As Jesus was leaving the Temple, one of his disciples called his...

270 - Tenants and Tombs
SEPTEMBER 27- Nº 270 Matthew 21:28-46; 23:13-37; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-19 Jesus skillfully navigated his way around the religious and...
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