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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.

221 - Jesus Meets a Woman at a Well
AUGUST 9 - Nº 221 John 4:1-26 Jesus and his followers left Judea to return to Galilee. The biblical account states that he “had” to go...

220 - Nicodemus Comes to Jesus
AUGUST 8 - Nº 220 John 3:1-21 One of the people who saw the miracles Jesus performed during the Passover celebration was a man named...

219 - Jesus Cleans Out the Temple
AUGUST 7 - Nº 219 John 2:13-23 Every year Jewish families were expected to travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover (see #44 -...

218 - Jesus’ First Miracle
AUGUST 6 - Nº 218 John 2:1-11 It was just the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth. He and the men who were now following him (see #217...

217 - Jesus’ First Followers
AUGUST 5 - Nº 217 John 1:35-51 Not long after Jesus left the wilderness, he walked past the place where John had baptized him (see #215 -...

216 - Jesus Is Tempted
AUGUST 4 - Nº 216 Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13 Immediately after his baptism, the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness...

215 - Jesus Is Baptized
AUGUST 3 - Nº 215 Matthew 3:1-17; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 1:80; 3:1-23; John 1:19-34 While Jesus was growing up in Nazareth, the miraculous...

214 - Jesus Grows Up
AUGUST 2 - Nº 214 Matthew 2:12-23; Luke 2:39-52 When Herod realized that the Magi had left Israel without reporting back to him (see #213...

213 - Gifts from the Magi
AUGUST 1 - Nº 213 Luke 2:22-38; Matthew 2:1-13 God sent special people into the lives of Joseph and Mary to confirm that their baby was...

212 - The Messiah Is Born
JULY 31 - Nº 212 Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-20 Soon after Mary returned to Nazareth, Joseph had a big decision to make. His fiancée was...

211 - Gabriel Visits Mary
JULY 30 - Nº 211 Luke 1:26-80 The angel Gabriel appeared at the Temple in Jerusalem to tell an elderly priest named Zechariah that he and...

210 - God Breaks the Silence
JULY 29 - Nº 210 Luke 1:1-25 The Old Testament prophets predicted the coming of a Messiah. They prophesied about a Savior who would...

209 - Four Gospels—One Story
JULY 28 - Nº 209 Matthew 1:1; Mark 10:45; Luke 1:1-4; John 20:30-31 As God was preparing the world for the coming of His Son, the...

149 - Gehazi’s Eyes Are Opened
May 29 - Nº 149 2 Kings 6:8-23 God used Elisha in many ways while he was a prophet in Israel. Not only did he impact the people with his...
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