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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.
15 - My Sister? My Bride?
January 15 - Nº 15 Genesis 20 Déjà vu. It’s a feeling you get that you’ve “been there before.” It leads you to think that you have...
14 - The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
January 14 - Nº 14 Genesis 18:16-33; 19:1-29 As they got up to leave, Abraham accompanied his three visitors for a short distance along...
13 - Isaac—the Son of Laughter
January 13 - Nº 13 Genesis 17:1-8, 15-22; 18:1-15; 21:1-6 God wanted to encourage Abram and Sarai. He wanted them to know that, despite...
12 - Sarai Tries to Help God Out
January 12 - Nº 12 Genesis 16 Ten years had passed since God had promised Abram and Sarai they would have a son—an heir through whom God...
11 - Abram Has Questions
January 11 - Nº 11 Genesis 15 After defeating four strong kings and reclaiming everything they had stolen, Abram must have felt like he...
10 - Lot Moves to Sodom
January 10 - Nº 10 Genesis 13 – 14 After barely escaping from Egypt with his wife and his life, Abram took everything he owned and moved...
9 - Abram Avoids a Famine
January 9 - Nº 9 Genesis 12:10-20 Abram Avoids a Famine Fierce Canaanite warriors were not the only threat Abram faced when he entered...
8 - Abram Leaves Ur
January 8 - Nº 8 Genesis 12:1-9 As time continued, the individual language groups that formed at the Tower of Babel became separate...
7 - After the Flood
January 7 - Nº 7 Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9 Noah’s children had children, who in turn had more children, etc., and soon the earth was...
6 - One Righteous Man
January 6 - Nº 6 Genesis 6:1 – 9:17 The population of the earth grew rapidly. There were some key factors that contributed to this....
5 - Cain Kills Abel
January 5 - Nº 5 Genesis 4:1-12 Adam and Eve had two sons, and they each had different interests. Cain, the older brother, loved...
4 - Paradise Lost
January 4 - Nº 4 Genesis 3:14-24 When God created beauty and order out of darkness and chaos (see #1 – January 1 ), He challenged...
3 - Adam and Eve Want More
January 3 - Nº 3 Genesis 3:1-13, 21 Satan was not happy that God had renovated the dilapidated world he called home. He did not like that...
02 - God Fills Every Need
January 2 - Nº 2 Genesis 2:15-25 Genesis 2 re-tells the story of God’s creation in much more detail. This time the focus is on the man...
01 - The Story of Redemption Begins
January 1 - Nº 1 Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-3 The very first verse in the very first book of the Bible tells us that God created the heavens and...
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