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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.

273 - Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet
SEPTEMBER 30 - Nº 273 Matthew 26:17-20; Mark 14:12-17; Luke 22:7-16; 22:24-30; John 13:1-17 It was Thursday, the day of the Jewish...

272 - Judas, the Traitor
SEPTEMBER 29- Nº 272 Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6 The different religious leaders in Israel did not agree on many things....

271 - Teaching on the Mount of Olives
SEPTEMBER 28- Nº 271 Matthew 24:1 – 25:46; Mark 13; Luke 21:5-36 As Jesus was leaving the Temple, one of his disciples called his...

270 - Tenants and Tombs
SEPTEMBER 27- Nº 270 Matthew 21:28-46; 23:13-37; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-19 Jesus skillfully navigated his way around the religious and...

269 - Tricks and Traps
SEPTEMBER 26- Nº 269 Matthew 21:19-27; 22:15-22; Mark 11:20-33; 12:13-17; Luke 20:1-8; 20-26 The next morning, Jesus and his disciples...

268 - Fig Trees and Pharisees
SEPTEMBER 25- Nº 268 Matthew 21:12-13, 18-19; Mark 11:12-18; Luke 19:45-48; John 12:20-50 During the week that led up to the Passover...

267 - The Triumphal Entry
SEPTEMBER 24- Nº 267 Matthew 21:1-11; 14-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19 The next day Jesus headed to Jerusalem. As he...

266 - An Evening in Bethany
SEPTEMBER 23- Nº 266 Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 11:55 – 12:11 The crowds were beginning to gather in Jerusalem for the Passover...

265 - A Servant with One Job
SEPTEMBER 22- Nº 265 Luke 19:11-28 There was an air of excitement as Jesus and his entourage continued the last leg of their journey to...

264 - Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus
SEPTEMBER 21- Nº 264 Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35 – 19:10 As Jesus and his disciples continued their journey to Jerusalem,...

263 - Focused on Fame
SEPTEMBER 20- Nº 263 Matthew 20:17-28; Mark 10:32-45; Luke 18:31-34 It was almost time for the Passover Feast to begin. Jesus and his...

262 - Wages and Work Hours
SEPTEMBER 19- Nº 262 Matthew 20:1-16 Jesus had just told his followers “. . . many who think they are first here on earth will be last...

261 - A Rich, Young Ruler
SEPTEMBER 18- Nº 261 Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30 As Jesus began traveling toward Jerusalem for the last time, one of...

260 - Two Lessons on Prayer
SEPTEMBER 17- Nº 260 Luke 18:1-14 Through Lazarus’ death and resurrection (see #258 - September 15 and #259 - September 16), Jesus...

259 - Lazarus Is Alive
SEPTEMBER 16- Nº 259 John 11:18-54 When Martha heard that Jesus was on his way to Bethany, she went to meet him. “Lord,” she cried, “My...

258 - Lazarus Is Dead!
SEPTEMBER 15- Nº 258 John 11:1-17 Jesus and his disciples were frequent guests in the home of Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus....

257 - The Rich Man and Lazarus
SEPTEMBER 14- Nº 257 Luke 16:19-31 The Pharisees had just interrupted a teaching session that Jesus was having with his disciples. They...

256 - A Shrewd but Unethical Manager
SEPTEMBER 13- Nº 256 Luke 16:1-15 Jesus held a teaching session with his disciples. Once again, he told them a parable. This one was...

255 - A Lost Son Returns Home
SEPTEMBER 12- Nº 255 Luke 15:11-32 Jesus told another story. This one was about a father and his two sons. One day the younger son came...

254 - A Lost Sheep, A Lost Coin, and A Party in Heaven
SEPTEMBER 11- Nº 254 Luke 15:1-10 One of the things that upset the Pharisees and teachers of the Law most about Jesus was the company he...

253 - Dinner Conversations and Controversies
SEPTEMBER 10- Nº 253 Luke 11:37-54; John 10:22-39; Luke 14:1-24 Jesus was invited into a Pharisee’s home for a meal. The Pharisee noticed...

252 - Listening and Praying
SEPTEMBER 9- Nº 252 Luke 10:38-42; 11:1-13 Jesus and his disciples decided to visit some friends who lived in a tiny village not far from...

251 - The Story of The Good Samaritan
SEPTEMBER 8- Nº 251 Luke 10:25-37 Jesus continued to teach in and around Jerusalem. One day a man who was an expert in religious law...

250 - The Light of the World
SEPTEMBER 7- Nº 250 John 8:12-20, 59; 9:1-38 Jesus continued teaching at the Temple. One time, he looked up at the towering lampstands...
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