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My Daily Briefing
Daily Devotions
Please click on the month you are interested in. You will notice that the months and dates are in consecutive but descending order as all blog posts tend to be.
101 - Abigail Saves the Day
April 11 - Nº 101 1 Samuel 25 David and his men changed locations again. For a while they settled in an area where an extremely wealthy...
100 - Saul Pursues David
April 10 - Nº 100 1 Samuel 23 – 24 Saul kept chasing David, but God would not allow Saul to capture him. After all, God had chosen David...
99 - On the Run
April 9 - Nº 99 1 Samuel 21 – 22 Although he was still very young, David’s life was already very full: He had been raised in a large...
98 - Three Arrows
April 8 - Nº 98 1 Samuel 20 David knew that Saul was still plotting to kill him. “What have I done wrong?” he asked Jonathan. “Why is he...
97 - Saul Gives Orders to Kill David
+April 7 - Nº 97 1 Samuel 19 Saul wanted David to die! He commanded his son, Jonathan, as well as all his servants, to find David and...
96 - Saul Becomes Jealous
April 6 - Nº 96 1 Samuel 18 After David killed Goliath, Saul decided to move him permanently to the palace. During this time, David and...
95 - David and Goliath
April 5 - Nº 95 1 Samuel 17 The Philistine army grew strong again. They gathered their forces and invaded Israel. The two armies soon...
94 -David Is Anointed
April 4 - Nº 94 1 Samuel 16 The Lord said to Samuel, “It’s time to stop grieving. I want you to anoint a new king who will rule after...
93 - Saul Sins Again
April 3 - Nº 93 1 Samuel 15 One day Samuel came to Saul with a message from God. “This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘It is time to...
92 - Jonathan Eats Honey
April 2 - Nº 92 1 Samuel 14:24-46 God had just helped the Israelites win a decisive battle against their most intimidating enemies—the...
91 - Jonathan Climbs a Cliff to Fight for God
April 1 - Nº 91 1 Samuel 14:1–23 Most of the Israelite soldiers had scattered. Discouraged, King Saul, along with a priest named Ahijah,...
90 - A Spiritual Challenge for the New King
March 31 - Nº 90 1 Samuel 13 Saul had just led the Israelites in a major victory over the Ammonites, but the Philistines remained a very...
89 - A Physical Challenge for the New King
March 30 - Nº 89 1 Samuel 10:26 – 11:15 When Saul was anointed as the king of Israel, most of the people were very enthusiastic. They...
88 - A Tall, Good-Looking King
March 29 - Nº 88 1 Samuel 9:1 – 10:25 Kish was a wealthy man from the tribe of Benjamin. He had a son named Saul who was one of the...
87 - Wanting a King
March 28 - Nº 87 1 Samuel 7 – 8 After what happened in Shemesh (see #86 - March 27), the Israelites were afraid of the Ark. Eventually it...
86 - The Philistines Return the Ark
March 27 - Nº 86 1 Samuel 5 – 6 After capturing the Ark, the Philistines took it to Ashdod and placed it in the temple of their god,...
85 - The Philistines Capture the Ark
March 26 - Nº 85 1 Samuel 4 The Philistines originally came to Israel from the Greek island of Crete (see Amos 9:7). Crete was known for...
84 - Samuel Grows Up in the Tabernacle
March 25 - Nº 84 1 Samuel 1:20 – 3:21 Before he was born, Hannah dedicated her son to God. She promised that he would serve the Lord for...
83 - Hannah’s Heartbreak
March 24 - Nº 83 1 Samuel 1:1-19 Peninnah and Hannah were both married . . . to the same man! His name was Elkanah. Peninnah had several...
82 - Ruth Marries Boaz
March 23 - Nº 82 Ruth 3 – 4 When Naomi returned to Bethlehem, she moved back into her old home with Ruth. But now that her husband was...
81 - Ruth Follows Naomi
March 22 - Nº 81 Ruth 1 – 2 During the time of the judges, there was a famine in Israel. A man named Elimelek, who lived in Bethlehem,...
80 - The Downward Spiral Reaches Rock Bottom
March 21 - Nº 80 Judges 17 – 21 As the Israelites continued to settle their new land, they increasingly forgot the One who had given it...
79 - Samson and Delilah
March 20 - Nº 79 Judges 16:4-31 When the Philistine leaders found out that Samson had fallen in love with Delilah, they met with her and...
78 - Samson’s Revenge
March 19 - Nº 78 Judges 15:1 – 16:3 When Samson angrily stomped out of his wedding ceremony, his fiancée was immediately married to...
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