December 31 - Nº 365 Revelation 21 – 22
While he was a prisoner on an island called Patmos, John received four visions from God. In the first one, Jesus appeared and instructed him to write a letter to each of the churches he had served (see #358 - December 24 and #359 - December 25). In the second vision, John was invited to enter God’s throne room. There he witnessed God’s judgment that would one day be unleashed on the earth (see #360 - December 26, #361 - December 27, #362 - December 28, and #363 - December 29). In his third vision, an angel transported John into the wilderness where he saw first-hand the destruction of Babylon and the Beast, then watched as Jesus ultimately triumphed over Satan (see #364 - December 30). In a fourth and final vision, John was allowed to experience his future home. It was amazing! Everything was brand new! The old sky and the old earth no longer existed. John noticed some startling differences—the new earth had no ocean; no sun; no moon. There was no night! John learned that the glory of God and the Lamb provided all the light the city needed. And there was no need for a Temple because God and the Lamb wereits Temple. As he looked up, John saw the Holy City called the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. Then he heard a loud voice from the throne say, “God will now live among His people! He will always be with them. There will be no more death or crying or pain.” “Write down what you see.” God instructed John. “Those who are victorious will inherit all this. I will be their God and they will be my children. But the cowardly and unbelieving will be confined to the lake of fire.” An angel took John to a high mountain where he could get a better view of the New Jerusalem as it descended. It was filled with God’s brilliant glory. The angel measured the city for John. Each of its four sides was 1,400 miles long and it was 1,400 miles high. (It was possibly in the shape of a pyramid.) The walls surrounding it were made of diamonds and crystal-clear gold. There were three gates on each side, and each gate was created from a single pearl. The 12 gates were named for the 12 tribes of Israel, and an angel stood beside each one. These gates would never be closed because nothing unclean could ever enter. There were 12 layers of foundations holding up the walls. Each was made from a different precious stone and was given the name of an apostle. The main street of the city was pure gold that was as transparent as glass. The angel pointed out the River of Living Water that came from the throne and flowed down the middle of the golden street. Everyone who was thirsty was invited to drink from it. The Tree of Life grew over the River and produced a different crop of fruit each month. All the nations came to that tree because it had healing in its leaves. As he looked around, John realized that the curse that had resulted from the sin of Adam and Eve had been removed! God’s servants could freely go in and out of His presence to serve Him and to see His face. And they could once again eat from the Tree of Life (see #4 - January 4)! Then the angel told John, “God sent me to show you these things because He is coming and when He does, it will happen quickly. He wants you to prepare the world!” Then Jesus added, “Blessed are those who have the right to eat from the Tree of Life and are ready to enter the gates of this city! I am coming soon!” John replied, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Are you ready for Jesus to return? Are you sure you will enter the gates of this glorious city and eat from the Tree of Life? If you are, who should you invite to go with you? It is our job to tell the rest of the world how they, too, can live with God forever!