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22 - A Wife (or two) for Jacob

Gwen Diaz

January 22 - Nº 22 Genesis 29:1-30

Jacob continued his journey. After many days he stopped at a well where several shepherds had gathered to water their flocks. Not sure of his location, he asked where they were from. “Harran,” they replied. Jacob realized he had reached his destination. 

The shepherds knew his uncle Laban and pointed out that his daughter was on her way across the field with her father’s sheep. Jacob became very emotional as he introduced himself to the cousin he had never met. Rachel ran home to tell her father what had just happened. Immediately, Laban rushed to the well to invite his nephew home.

Jacob stayed and worked hard for his uncle. After about a month, Laban decided it was time to start paying Jacob for his work. Although he allowed Jacob to determine his own salary, the offer was probably not what Jacob would have hoped it would be. Instead of being treated as the son of a wealthy, influential man with many servants of his own (as he had been in the past), Jacob became a hired servant. Instead of being able to stay around the tents (which he had loved to do when he was growing up), he now had to work out in the fields with the sheep.  

By the end of the month, Jacob had fallen in love with Rachel, the younger (and more attractive) of Laban’s daughters. All we are told about her older sister, Leah, is that she had “weak eyes.” This may have meant that she had poor vision. Or perhaps it meant that she was not very attractive, since her eyes were all that could be seen when a girl was wearing a veil. Anyway, it was Rachel whom Jacob fell in love with, and he was willing to work hard without any compensation (except room and board) for seven years so that he could marry her.

Laban agreed to Jacob’s terms. As soon as the seven years were up, Jacob asked for his bride. Laban arranged a huge wedding feast. The celebration lasted all day. But that evening, when it was time for Jacob and Rachel to be alone together for the first time, Laban switched daughters! 

Leah was no doubt wearing a full veil when she came into the dark tent. The only light available would have come from a small oil lamp. In addition, Jacob probably drank plenty of wine during the celebration and may not have been seeing very clearly by then. Regardless, when he woke up the next morning, Jacob was livid to discover that he had made love to Leah!  He was now married to Leah instead of Rachel! 

Laban cunningly explained that this was all part of the culture—the younger sister was not permitted to get married before the older one did. He implied that Jacob should have expected this. 

Laban told Jacob that he must complete the first bridal week with Leah, then he could marry Rachel. One week later Jacob was married again--but without the big celebration. He stayed on as a hired hand and worked for seven more years to pay off his new debt. He didn’t really have another option. At some point, Jacob must have realized that Laban’s deception was no worse than what he had done to his own father and brother when he had lied and schemed and stolen Esau’s blessing (see # 20 - January 20).  

Have you ever noticed that the things that upset us most about other people are often things we do ourselves? When someone hurts you, do you stop to think how you may have hurt others? We are wise when we examine our own lives before we get upset with others.


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